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Hydrogen Fuel Cell

The Hydrogen Fuel Cell, aka the H2O Battery, is an experimental battery based on electrolysis technology.  The middle image is the prototype using industrial wire electrodes and a mason jar as a container.  The pictures on either side are of an upgraded lid with stainless steel bolt electrodes with alligator clip leads.  The science is pretty simple.  The electricity flowing through the water molecules separates them into Hand O2.   

Once the electricity flow is cut off, the molecules begin reforming and the enthalpy of fusion gives off energy some of which is in the form of electricity.

The contents of the cell is not pure water as it is beneficial to add an electrolyte.  This helps electricity flow better through the liquid medium.  We accomplished this by adding salt to the water.  Also we used the stainless steel bolts as the cell will oxidize other electrodes.  Keep in mind this was an old project and will probably be revamped in the future.

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